Street Fighter 6 Has Gone Woke … But Why?
Japanese companies are now sacrificing themselves on the western altar of wokeness.
I was thinking about why Street Fighter and Capcom have degenerated into such a bad state. My conclusion is depressing, but Street Fighter fans who have invested much into Capcom over the years deserve to know what’s going on.
In Street Fighter 6, Capcom has: removed biological sex; inculcated gender identity; added a trans announcer as the face of the multiplayer mode; added what is clearly a trans playable character [Marisa]; fired Republican voice actors; hired BLM activists as consultants; desexualised female characters and covered them up with their default costumes; and adhered to the company’s ESG manifesto on its official website. This all makes sense in lieu of recent leaked internal slides dictating how Capcom needs to be more inclusive, not advance gender stereotypes, nor show too much female skin, adhere to the ideology of activist groups like BLM, etc.
Make no mistake about it, however, Street Fighter 6’s wokeification is not about fostering inclusivity; it’s the product of Marxist activists advancing their political agenda. For example, trans represent less than 1% of the community, so why does their aesthetic make up such a large % of this beloved franchise as the face of its battle-hub mode?
If you call this out the wokesters will no doubt respond “there’s nothing woke about having black characters or trans”. Indeed, featuring black characters has nothing to do with being woke. Balrog/Boxer, for example, is an icon of Street Fighter. Yet this is a straw man. Adding characters to meet a racial and gender quota is what they’re actually doing, and that is the very definition of woke [intersectional Marxism]. In Street Fighter 6, all new characters are an equal mix of male, female, and diverse races, unlike Street Fighter 2, which contained 11 men and one woman [Chun Li]. What’s wrong with that? Why would you dare question this? Are you a sexist? Racist? Transphobe?
Here is the reality. (And nothing anyone says will ever change this reality). Forced diversity is a front for a leftist takeover of your favourite franchise. They falsely conflate leftism with anti-racism and anti-sexism, in effect making it impossible *not* to join their Maoist cult. Anyone who’s not onboard with their cultural revolution is therefore said to be against the causes they falsely claim to represent. Essentially this makes everyone a leftist because who would admit to being against such things even if they were?
Ironically, Street Fighter 6 is actually a great product to feature diversity since it spans the globe and pools together the best fighters. The UFC does exactly that, but compare the non-woke uncompromising tone and theme of the wildly popular UFC with the politically correct execution of SF6. And compare the political allegiance of the average UFC fan with SF6 fans. Why don’t you ask the staff in Capcom’s San Francisco headquarters (who are obviously behind the wokeness metastasising into Street Fighter 6) who they’re voting for in 2024? I think you know the answer…
If you add black, female or trans characters in a game simply to satisfy a racial/gender/sexual quota then you believe society systemically oppresses certain intersectional groups. This belief is ideology masquerading as philosophy or science to justify a hostile takeover of a major cultural bulwark; assimilating it into the woke borg. “Diversity and inclusion” is a Trojan horse to take over your shit, which will cancel you if you dare question it. And wokeness cannot stand up to scrutiny. For at its very core is revolutionary chaos and theft – a fanatical, evil intellectual pathogen – which inexorably causes a net negative in society.
Why do the wokest companies like Disney race swap and have a manifesto on their website saying they strive to equally distribute all roles within their company based on race and gender? For the same reason Capcom are now making their games “inclusive” and have such a section on theirs. Politically motivated activists are holding these companies hostage and dictating their creative choices to propagandise their Marxist vision.
Did you see the recent Megaman trigger warning where Capcom claimed they champion diversity and inclusion? I wonder how inclusive Capcom USA is towards Republican ideology then, considering they fired beloved SF4/SF5 voice-actor Reuben Langdon for daring to publicly support Gina Carano after she was ruthlessly axed by Disney for voicing her conservative views on X? These companies are inclusive up until the point you dare to disagree with them, at which point they will mobilise to viciously destroy your life. Ironically, Capcom USA is not even inclusive towards the country who created the franchise they’re now ruining, as it included not a single new Japanese character, removed all Japanese influence and didn’t even feature Japan as a setting for the open world. But I digress…
Leftists are obsessed with race, proved by the fact they hired Marxist activist “black consultants” to standardize the game based on a hierarchy of victimhood. These execs’ bigotry of low expectations blinds them to the fact that racial minorities don’t need their help in exchange for loyalty and compliance within this self-perpetuating cycle of victimhood. Anyone with a role of a racial consultant is an extortionist or an extortionist-by-proxy. These people shake down companies terrified of negative publicity by re-educating them about privilege and implicit bias. The truth is woke activists criticise all institutions in order to take control of them and change them from within, and the genius trick here – as we have now learned – is branding anyone calling out their invasion as some sort of terrible name. Don’t fall into this Kafka trap. Don’t be afraid to stand up to the woke left’s pathetic brand of intersectional politics that Street Fighter 6 is undeniably compromised by; a game whose design resembles an AI NFT parody of Bored Ape made with a Fortnite-themed extension. Accept the slurs they call you, and they have nothing left. Not siding with these zealous cultists does not mean you are against any of the things they deceitfully claim to represent.
“It’s just about representation” they’ll claim. Translation: leftist, feminist, BLM-loving, politically correct, Machiavellian Marxists are now in control of your favourite franchise. And you know this because SF6 is adored by social justice warriors. In my criticism of Street Fighter 6, I am not criticising black people or trans people, I am criticising the virtue-signalling commissars of the left who are conquering and assimilating the intangible heritage of our society one game and movie at a time, to push their narcissistic, destructive, cynical brand of identity politics and political correctness.
I love Street Fighter. We must protect this national treasure. It barely resembles the beautiful Japanese product of old anymore. Just look at it. They took over it and brainwashed people into cheering on their cultural colonization. And this is just the beginning. If we aren’t brave and stand up to these bullies there’ll be nothing left to enjoy. I’ll die fighting like Ryu with no health against a level-7 M. Bison to ensure future generations aren’t raised to worship this pseudo-religion of wokeness that does nothing but divide. Capcom of Japan — you’ve made a big mistake. Cut your creative process off from Capcom of America right now and get back to doing what you do best. Making awesome Japanese games.
You're a very smart man and I can tell there is bravery in your heart. Fuck capcom USA and no one should buy street fighter 6 while also calling out their woke ballshit. Gay black host in degenerate clothing when you start the game + ken's story line + the stupid customization options that are not realistic for world tour characters + Marisa. Fuck street fighter 6 and the people that made it. Street fighter V is awesome.
Well written. I might see if I can find a video of someone who used to be a corporate diversity trainer who has since come around.